Tuesday, January 1, 2013

So it's True! New Year New Me!

God is good all the time!  I really spent yesterday putting my faith in God telling me how to run my life.  And I got the affirmation I needed.  A friend called at 7:00pm last night and asked if I still sold MK.  After some discussion, she joined.  I love it!

Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year New Me - Deja Vu (2013)

Okay.  New Year New Me.... Again.  Let's see if this will last.

12/31/2012 - Tomorrow is the beginning of a new year.  Instead of waiting, let's see if my new plan works.  It is a modified version of the Mary Kay Plan:
God First
Me Second
Family third
Career Fourth
Plan B Fifth.

Everyone says to make sure that you handle the big things and the little things will fit in.  Let's see.

God First:  Everyday, I need to thank God for all that he has given me.  For every single problem I have, there are hundreds of thousands of people that would like to upgrade to my problems.

Me Second:  this is not the selfish thinking of only myself 'me'. Normally, I put EVERYONE ahead of my needs.  Seriously, even the mailman!  So now, for at least one hour each week,  I will focus on at least one of those things that help improve my quality of life. This encompasses: Mental Health(Reading/Inspirational/Self-improvement/Pedicure), Physical Health(refocus on weight loss, nutrition, etc), Financial health (Budgeting/Record Keeping/etc), Environmental activities(House keeping (ugh)/ House improvements).

Family Third: Make sure that I contact and connect with each member of my family everyweek.  Need to create a schedule on that.

Career Fourth:  Generally, this has been first.  I personally need to look at no more than 50 hours a week and really only look at 40 hours a week.  That's the 'plan'.

Plan B fifth:  My Mary Kay Business.  Note that this alone fits into multiple categories but I want to ensure that I spend at least one hour a week focusing on the business - outside of the team meetings.

I signed up for flylady.net to help me start being organized.  Realized I did not have anything to do step one with, so went to Walmart.  They happened to have all types of organizational things as well.  So I have organizational stuff as well as getting my flylady.net stuff done.

Back tomorrow for further info.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Every year I restart this blog to be about my weightloss challenges or some other nonsensical thing. I have decided that that is just wandering around aimless. Then I figured, no I can use this site to have embark on an honest search to find what my dreams are.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Motivation?? Has anyone seen my Motivation

Okay. here it is Sunday morning and I need to get my Be-Hind up and go to church and then some walking. You would think since I have the pedometer, that would be easy. Ha! I say to you! I made the mistake of getting on facebook just to put some plates on the server for CafeWorld. That was 4 hours ago. Some one Please Help me!!!!!!
Oh Well.

In addition, last week, found out the assignment I was going to go on, ended. Does that mean no work??? Does that mean layoff??? I am not going to stress myself on this right now. Going to take a couple of days off and then just work from there. Gotta keep a good attitude.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Who the Hell came up with die-t????

Okay. It is the beginning of the year and I am going to start my yearly effort to live well.
The company is going to help me by giving us some incentives. There is a pedometer that links up to the computer and tells you whether you are doing it correctly.
(they give you money). In addition, Weight Watchers is going to start up at work.

Let's Go!

I received the pedometer on Friday Jan 5 and started using it. After a week, this is pretty good.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Obama and Yahoo.

I don't get it. Obama has been president for less than year and everyone is saying that he is not doing a good job. How do you know? it takes time to turn things around. I see things changing, for the better. What is everyone else seeing that I don't? Is it just because he is black?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

So this is how you start a blog

Well this is very interesting.

You would think that someone who works in the computer industry would have had a blog a long time ago. I dont know. I have never really been interested in reading biographies and do not think anyone would really be interested in reading about my life. However, I figure this is cheaper than psycharitry, so why not.

So i thought I would start trying to figure out my life by using this blog and see if I could.

Some of this may end up seeming like just vomiting out but life. But at durn near 50, why can't I?

I mean really, my life is pretty great (if you are not living it). But I figure their must be something wrong if you spend most of your time trying to figure out how to get a good night's sleep.